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33 x 23 x 4 CM
Up to 1 KG

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33 x 23 x 6 CM
Up to 2 KG


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40 x 25 x 20 CM
Up to 4 KG


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70 x 40 x 40 CM
Up to 25 KG


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When sending packages, pallets and documents quickly and cheaply

"Vi är oerhört nöjda med Är så glad att jag hittade er Lättanvänd hemsida, fantastisk trevlig och duktig personal, snabb service och billigt. Vad kan man mer begära?" - Eva, Rullab AB

"Det sparer os en masse administrativt arbejde hver dag, at er en pålidelig og billig løsning til vores vigtige og voksende logistik behov" - Jens Skølstrup, InBlue AB

" har som de første gjort fragt og forsendelser både nemt og overskueligt. Genialt redskab til overblik over fragtomkostninger og bestilling" - Torben Mølbjerg , Dansk Bilglas A/S

Are you wondering which company offers the cheapest shipping on the market in Sweden? There is no easy answer to that question, as shipping prices vary depending on what you send and in what way. But all shipping companies stand out in their own way and by looking a little more in detail at UPS, Dachser, FedEx, DHL, etc, we can get a good overview of where to turn if you want to order shipping.

Book shipping

Many times it can be a good idea to book shipping before visiting an agent who takes care of the shipment itself. Then you can calculate the cost of the transport, print a consignment note and prepare the shipment. You pay online and then just hand in the package to an agent. Different shipping companies have different agents. You can usually find Postnord in grocery stores, while you can find DHL and Schenker at petrol stations.

Dachser and UPS work to a greater extent with business packages, but also send to private addresses. Something that has become very popular in recent times are the so-called package cabinets. Players such as Budbee and Instabox offer shipping to these parcel cabinets and the recipient can easily and conveniently visit the cabinet, enter their personal code and collect the package.

Carry different types of packages

There is a difference between carrying a hair dryer or something of great value, such as a wedding ring. Depending on what you are shipping, you should review what options are available. If you are transporting valuable content, you should always choose a traceable package. This means that you enter a tracking number and can track the delivery from start to finish.

The shipping companies also offer insurance: Postnord, for example, offers all its customers to insure values ​​of up to SEK 2,000,000. You then pay a premium based on the value of what you send. Should something happen to the shipment and it gets lost, you will therefore receive compensation via the insurance.

Schenker has a similar structure but has an upper limit of SEK 50,000 in terms of the value of the shipment. Here, too, the consignment must be handed in to an agent and sent with tracking.

If you send personal information, which you absolutely do not want any unauthorized person to take part in, it is advisable to send a recommended package. A recommended package may only be picked up by the recipient personally, who must always identify himself. You can therefore not send a representative to pick up the shipment for you.

Cheap shipping

Of course, companies and private individuals who send many packages per month want as cheap shipping as possible. As we have mentioned before, the prices vary depending on what the package weighs, etc. If you are a larger company that sends many packages, we recommend that you start negotiations on a fixed price agreement with the shipping company. Companies that sell products online and send hundreds of shipments every day, usually have fixed times for collection, when the shipping company comes and picks up all the packages that are to be sent. Then the shipping company arrives at a certain time, so that the company can plan its orders and also inform its customers what the latest time for orders is, if it is to be sent the same day.
Order shipping

You can order shipping directly via all the major shipping companies' websites. DHL, Dachser, UPS, Postnord, TNT, Schenker and many more, have worked hard to make it as easy as possible for you who need to book shipping to do so. By filling in where you send from and to which destination you should send to, you will find out which alternative provides the cheapest domestic shipping within Sweden.

Cheapest shipping

It is relatively easy today to compare different shipping companies to see who offers the cheapest shipping. Keep in mind, however, that you may need to travel a bit to the agent to submit your shipment. Also calculate what transport costs you have for this.

Sending packages within Sweden costs between SEK 100-200, if it is a standard package and weighs less than 2 kg. Then the cost increases the more the package weighs. Postnord also offers the opportunity to send letters. The cost is then SEK 66 for a letter under 1 kg. However, keep in mind that you will not receive any traceability if you send letters. Therefore, never send valuable things in a letter. If the letter gets lost, you can not find out where it went.

Cheapest shipping domestic

Shipping within Sweden is cheaper than sending packages abroad. You can generally find the cheapest domestic shipping by using the shipping companies that are established throughout Sweden. These are Postnord, DHL, Schenker. UPS and Dachser also have so-called access points, which can be a kiosk or similar, where you can pick up and drop off packages. Then we have the so-called package cabinets that can be seen in more and more places around Sweden. In these cabinets you can not only pick up packages, but also leave. Then the shipment must first have been registered on the parcel cabinet's website.

Vilket fraktbolag är billigast?Generellt sett är Postnord billigast, men det beror på paketets storlek och vikt, destination och leveranstid. Använd priskalkylatorn för att se hur du kan skicka ditt paket billigast
Hur skicka paket billigt?Du kan manuellt kontrollera alla de stora fraktbolagen, eller så kan du använda priskalkylatorn och få det billigaste priset direkt
Hur skicka jag paket säkert?När du skickar ett paket kan du enkelt lägga till försäkring och spårning.
När skickas paket från ombud?Paket skickas till och från ombud samma dag
Hur lång tid tar det innan ett paket skickas tillbaka?Paketet skickas tillbaka efter att det legat i ombud i 1-2 veckor, beroende på fraktbolag
Vad händer om ett paket skickas tillbaka?Om paketet har skickats tillbaka kan du hämta det i närmaste ombud
Vart kan man skicka paket?Du kan skicka paketet via ombud, eller få det hämtat hem eller på ditt kontor
Kan jag skicka paket utan avsändare eller retursedel/fraktsedel?Nej, det ska finnas avsändare och mottagare på paketet
Hur skickar jag paket som mottagaren betalar för?Under beställningen ska du lägga till att mottagaren ska betala för paketet
Skicka paketMinsta/maxviktPris frånLeveranstid
Inrikes (Inom Sverige)0.5 kg till 70 kg85 SEK1-3 dagar
Utrikes0.5 kg till 70 kg205 SEK1 dag
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